Challenges and Needs in Implementing Sexual Education for Deaf Students: A Case Study from Indonesia
sexual education; deaf studentAbstract
The primary aim of sex education is to provide accurate information on handling risky sexual behavior. For deaf students, who may struggle with complex concepts, effective sex education is crucial to safeguard them against sexual assault and risky sexual behavior. This study examined the implementation of sex education in special schools for the deaf in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, focusing on the challenges faced by educators in delivering this sensitive content. Utilizing a case study and qualitative methodologies, this research gathered insights from school principals and teachers who took part in group discussions. Findings reveal that deaf students face significant challenges with sexual conduct, both individually and in their interactions with others. Despite incorporating sex education into science, religion, and self-development classes, teachers encounter difficulties in addressing sensitive topics and preventing age-inappropriate behaviors. Educators require specialized educational materials to address key topics such as body awareness, physical changes, reproductive health, relationships, pregnancy, and sensitive content. Such materials must be designed with clear visual aids and simple language to effectively meet the learning needs of deaf students. There is a pressing need for resources that facilitate understanding while preventing the imitation of inappropriate behaviors. To enhance sex education for deaf students, it is essential to develop and implement tailored educational resources that use visual aids and straightforward language. By addressing the unique needs of these students, educators can more effectively convey critical information, thereby reducing the risk of inappropriate behavior.
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