School and Family Collaboration on Twice-exceptional Academic Program Services


  • Bayu Pamungkas
  • Rochmat Wahab
  • Suwarjo Suwarjo
  • Adi Susen


school and family collaboration; academic program services; twice-exceptional students


Collaboration in twice-exceptional academic program services is an important thing to pay attention to when optimising student potential. This research focuses on both school and family involvement using a qualitative approach and a case study design to describe the forms of school and family collaboration. The respondents in this research consisted of 15 teachers and 15 parents with twice-exceptional children. The data collection in this research was carried out using participatory observation techniques and semi-structured interviews. The data was analysed through data collection, data compression, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The findings in this study reveal that there are diverse roles held by both schools and families in relation to the testing, planning, implementing, and evaluating of twice-exceptional programs. Additionally, it highlights the significance of self-development and extra-curricular activities in maximising student potentials, alongside the importance of training both schools and families in supporting the twice-exceptional students' development. The establishment of collaboration is influenced by several supporting factors such as open communication, administrative support, and parental involvement. Meanwhile, factors that can hinder the creation of collaboration include a lack of awareness, busy parental schedules, and misunderstandings regarding the roles involved. By understanding the results of this research, schools and families can work together to support the development of twice-exceptional students more effectively by developing educational service programs that better support the potential of twice-exceptional students. It is hoped that future research will be able to better describe collaboration in academic services for twice-exceptional students for each different type of special need.


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