Transformative Impact: Dramatic Arts for Grade 12 Academic Excellence
academic excellence; dramatic arts; impact; transformative; potentialAbstract
The study investigated the influence of dramatic arts on academic performance among Grade 12 students. The study was framed within the social constructivism theory, which posits that learning is an active, social process where students construct knowledge through interaction with their environment and peers. The study employed an interpretivist qualitative research methods to explore the transformative potential of dramatic arts, emphasising the impact on critical thinking, problem-solving, and proficient communication. Data from 117 students in Grade 12 who were part of a purposive sample were gathered using open-ended questionnaires, interviews, and classroom observations. The data was analysed through thematic analysis. The findings highlighted the positive impact of dramatic arts integration on academic performance, student engagement, empathy development, and communication skills. Participants reported enhanced critical thinking skills, deeper subject understanding, and a more meaningful relationship with academic subjects. The study also offered recommendations for educational institutions, including developing comprehensive programs incorporating dramatic arts, continual professional development for teachers, building robust assessment and evaluation systems, and collaboration with local theatre organisations and cultural institutions to enhance students’ understanding of dramatic arts.
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