Learning Sciences with Technology: The Use of Padlet Pedagogical Tool to Improve High School Learners’ Attainment in Integrated Sciences


  • Sakyiwaa Boateng
  • Mercy Nyamekye


Integrated Sciences; online collaborative learning; Padlet tool; pedagogical tool; science learners; science teachers


This study sought to examine the integration and application of an online collaborative instructional technological tool, known as Padlet, to reinforce and strengthen Ghanaian high school learners’ understanding of Integrated Sciences (IS). The study utilised a sequential mixed-methods exploratory design to collect qualitative and quantitative data. The study used purposeful sampling to select four high schools to participate in the study. Twenty science teachers and 100 high school learners were sampled for the study. The sampled teachers were trained in a professional learning community on the utilisation and integration of Padlet in classroom instructions and integrated the tool in their classroom instructional practices for one month. Data collection was carried out through classroom observations, semi-structured interviews, and learner task performance assessments. Quantitative data were analysed descriptively to determine the relationships between the variables using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences’ (SPSS) mean, frequencies, t-test, and ANOVA. The qualitative data were analysed using thematic content analysis. The findings show increased learner engagement and retention, which improved learner achievement in the subject. Therefore, it is recommended that effective pedagogical courses should be included in the training of science teachers on technology integration to facilitate learner understanding and retention in the subject. 



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