The Effectiveness of Team Teaching in Improving Reading Skill among Thai EFL Undergraduates and Their Attitudes toward this Strategy
Team-teaching; Reading and writing; English as a Foreign Language students’ attitudesAbstract
In the context of the learning process, team-teaching has been found to be a successful and pleasurable pedagogical strategy, particularly in improving reading proficiency. The primary objective of this study was to examine the efficacy of employing the team-teaching technique in enhancing the reading skill of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. The study also sought to assess the potential impact of using the team-teaching technique on the English language reading skill of Thai EFL students. Additionally, it attempted to explore the attitudes of these students towards the utilization of team-teaching in their educational setting. The study used a quasi-experimental methodology to look into how team-teaching instruction affects students' ability to improve their reading skill. The descriptive research design was employed to elucidate the attitudes of the students. The sample for this study consisted of undergraduate students who were enrolled in an English Reading and Writing course. A total of 150 students participated in this study, and they were randomly assigned to two groups. The control group consisted of 70 students while the experimental group comprised the remaining 80 students. Two instruments were constructed in order to accomplish the objectives of the study. The assessment tools utilized in this study included a reading passage and a questionnaire. At a significance threshold of ? = 0.05, the study's results showed that there were statistically significant differences, favouring the experimental group in the post-test, when compared between the control and experimental groups. The findings of the study also indicated the presence of statistically significant differences, with a significance level of ?=0.05. Based on the findings of the questionnaire, the majority of students expressed a preference for utilizing the team-teaching technique as a means of studying. This approach was favoured due to its facilitation of knowledge exchange between students and instructors, as well as its ability to foster mutual respect for differing perspectives among students. The results of the study have significant ramifications for English teachers who use collaborative instruction.
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