A Systematic Review on the Improving Strategies and Influencing Factors of Vocational Students’ Learning Engagement in Blended Teaching Environment
Systematic review; Blended teaching; Learning engagement; Improving Strategies; Influencing factorsAbstract
Blended teaching (BT), which combines traditional face-to-face instruction with online components, has become an inevitable trend in vocational education, especially for its potential to offer flexibility, simulation of real working scenarios and hands-on training. Students’ learning engagement is regarded as a critical factor for BT's success. Despite progress, theoretical gaps remain, particularly in the influencing mechanisms and strategies for enhancing vocational students’ learning engagement in BT contexts. This systematic review aims to fill this gap and provide implications for future BT practices. Sourced from three databases (Web of Science, SCOPUS, and CNKI) and complying with the PRISMA checklist, 38 studies regarding vocational students’ learning engagement in BT contexts from 2014 to 2024 were reviewed looking at research features, BT techniques, influencing factors and improving strategies. Findings showed that technological applications and learning management systems (LMS), gamification, flipped classrooms and MOOCs are predominant approaches in BT. In addition, it is a well-designed teaching strategy and cohesive learning community that enhances students’ learning engagement. Besides, individual factors such as curiosity, academic self-efficacy, and career expectations also affect students’ learning engagement. This study also provides evidence-based strategies for enhancing vocational students’ learning engagement for researchers and practitioners.
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