Effectiveness of Field Experience Program in the United Arab Emirates (UAE): A Mixed-Methods Study of Stakeholders’ Perceptions in the Light of Vision 2030
field experience training; pedagogy; pre-service teachers; self-perception theory; UAE Vision 2030Abstract
The quality of field experience training is vital for the pre-service teachers’ professional development. However, limited research works on field experience training programs limits the formation of optimised educational policies in the UAE. Further, proper understanding of the stakeholders’ perceptions is essential for forming suitable educational policies. Therefore, this study employed a mixed-methods model to investigate the perceptions of pre-service teachers and instructors about their field experience training. The pedagogic standards set by Danielson was used as the framework for assessing the perceptions of the participants regarding their pedagogy. Further, ‘Bem’s self-perception theory’ was applied while making detailed assessments on the perceptions of participants. By using a random sampling method, 113 pre-service teachers and 15 instructors were recruited. Descriptive as well as inferential statistics was used for the quantitative assessments whereas thematic analysis was used in the qualitative phase. Quantitative analysis suggested that most of the respondents perceived that they are well-prepared for the professional teaching career. However, some respondents indicated that stakeholders have little role in the decision-making process and there is a lack of opportunity to interact with the parents/community. The qualitative analysis also affirmed the lack of stakeholders’ involvement. Other significant factors include: insufficient co-ordination, conflicts with mentors, inadequate training, and lack of exposure to research. Consequently, this study has made suggestions for rectifying these issues. It is anticipated that findings of present research will add on to the essential knowledgebase for achieving the goals set for education sector, as per UAE’s Vision 2030
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