Elevating Students’ Shared Learning Experiences with Augmented Reality in a Digital Marketing Classroom
Augmented Reality; Experiential Learning; Digital Technologies; Student Collaboration; Student EngagementAbstract
Educators are becoming concerned about the students’ increasing dependency on diverse digital technologies in their daily lives, which creates a clear disconnection between their lifestyles and the passive teaching and learning strategies implemented in schools. Thus, contemporary research debates focus on enhancing learning environments to maintain the interests and motivation of students. Educationists have proposed strategies such as integrating immersive and engaging digital technologies into the classroom to foster shared learning experiences among students. Although augmented reality (AR) is a fascinating immersive technology, its integration into the classroom environment has been scarcely documented. With this perspective, the present study seeks to amalgamate AR technology and Kolb's Experiential Learning Model (ELM) into an enhanced experiential learning classroom by using a mixed-method research methodology. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to conduct this study on undergraduate students enrolled in a digital marketing course at a Malaysian institution. Data were collected through surveys, interviews, and open-ended questions, with consideration given to the student’s experience within this technologically assisted learning environment. Significant data analysis and feedback demonstrated an effective student collaboration, which improved learner interest, motivation, and engagement, thereby establishing a solid case for the integration of immersive technologies, such as AR, into the educational process to create an enhanced learning environment. Thereby, this paper presents the ARSSLE (AR-supported Shared Learning Experiences) framework, which may assist teachers in building a captivating yet collaborative and dynamic learning environment.
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