Remedial Education Teachers’ Competencies for Differentiated Pedagogy: Systematic Literature Review
teacher competency; differentiated pedagogy; remedial education teacher; systematic literature review; challengesAbstract
Remedial education is implemented to help primary school students who experience difficulties mastering the 3M skills of reading, writing, and counting. This systematic literature review was conducted to review the competency of remedial education teachers for differentiated pedagogy. The study focused on competency of remedial education teachers regarding levels of knowledge, skills, and readiness to implement differentiated pedagogy. Literature was searched through Google Scholar, SCOPUS, and Web of Science and 149 articles that had been published between 2019 to 2023 were identified; of these, 12 were selected for the analysis, which used the Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) approach. The results reveal that not all studies found that remedial education teachers’ competency for differentiated pedagogy was at high levels for all three elements – knowledge, skills and readiness. The results of this study can serve as a guide and reference for teachers, the Ministry of Education, and future researchers, to improve remedial education teachers’ competency for differentiated pedagogy. Future studies should do a more in-depth exploration, by conducting a survey to review the competency of remedial education teachers for differentiated pedagogy, and the challenges they face in implementing it.
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