Understanding and Enhancing Special Education Teachers' Competencies for Inclusive Practice: A Comprehensive Analysis


  • Nur Hanini Anne
  • Syar Meeze Mohd Rashid


Special education teachers; students with special needs; teacher competencies; inclusive education; support systems


This study examined the knowledge, skills, and comprehension of the teachers in special education that enable them to address the needs of students with disabilities. Through this, the paper delivered a comprehensive analysis incorporating demographic profiling, assessment of the availability of knowledge and skills, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The sample of this study comprised 80 special education teachers with various backgrounds and experiences. The results suggest a diversified teacher community: 80% of respondents strongly agree that they are aware of the diversified abilities of the students, and 85% strongly agree that they are good communicators. However, only 40% of the teachers admitted to being able to use technology seamlessly in their teaching. It is indicative of a particular focus area. Correlation analysis has also established significant interrelationships between the various competencies, such as correlation r = 0.632 (p < 0.01) in the aspect of handling workshop equipment and teaching technical skills in the theoretical sessions. This study confirms that the competencies for good teaching are interdependent and stresses the need for adaptable teaching knowledge of the various abilities as well as psychosocial support. These findings could influence policy and practice in teacher education and the improvement of support systems in special education.  



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