Special Education Teacher’s Application of Entrepreneurial Elements in Teaching and Facilitation
entrepreneurship; teaching; facilitation; students with special needsAbstract
The application of entrepreneurial elements across the curriculum should be implemented as early as year one of schooling. Thus, this study aims to examine the application of elements of entrepreneurial knowledge and skills in teaching and facilitating Special Education teachers. This study employed an online questionnaire distributed via Google Forms. A total of 32 Special Education teachers were selected to answer the questionnaire. Data were analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 26 to obtain frequency, percentage and mean. Findings demonstrated that the entrepreneurial knowledge of Special Education teachers was at a high level with a mean value of 4.33. In addition, the entrepreneurial skills of Special Education teachers were at a high level with a mean value of 4.34. The findings indicate that Special Education teachers have high entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, besides applying entrepreneurial elements in teaching and facilitation. Special Education teachers indeed play an important role in applying entrepreneurial elements and fostering an entrepreneurial culture among Students with Special Needs (SSN). From this study, it is hoped that the application of entrepreneurial elements in the teaching and facilitation of Special Education teachers can increase the ability of SSN. The implications of this study suggest that teachers with entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, as well as high commitment, can convey entrepreneurial elements well and comprehensively to SSN.
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