Using Visual Vocabulary App as a Metacognitive Strategy in EFL Learning: A Case of Pre-Service Teachers


  • Paola Cabrera-Solano
  • Paul Gonzalez-Torres
  • Lida Solano
  • Luz Castillo-Cuesta


EFL learning, language teaching, metacognitive strategies, mobile learning, visual vocabulary


This study examined the effectiveness of using the Visual
Vocabulary app as a metacognitive strategy for learning English as a
Foreign Language (EFL) vocabulary. The participants included 42 EFL
pre-service teachers aged 18 - 25 years old, who had an A1+ Common
European Framework of References (CEFR) proficiency level and were
enrolled in the second semester of an English program at a private
university in Loja, Ecuador. These students were divided into
experimental (20) and control group (22) by using purposeful sampling.
Additionally, two teachers, who were in charge of planning and
applying the activities in the classroom, participated in this study. A
quasi-experimental approach was used, in which pre and post-tests,
questionnaires and teacher’s interviews were applied to the participants.
In the experimental group, students employed the Visual Vocabulary
app as a didactic resource twice a week to increase their lexical
knowledge, which allowed them to have control over their own thinking
and decisions related to the development of learning activities. As for
the control group, they received the same time of instruction but they
did not use the app in their classes; instead, they worked on regular
classroom activities. The results indicate that the Visual Vocabulary app
was effective as a metacognitive strategy to enhance EFL vocabulary
learning, and students showed a positive attitude towards the use of this
tool. Furthermore, this app was a motivating tool for vocabulary
learning, being useful for providing immediate feedback and helping
students build their confidence to develop their language skills


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