Using Digital Comics for Enhancing EFL Vocabulary Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
vocabulary; digital comics; learning; public high schoolsAbstract
The aim of this quantitative study is to determine the impact of using digital comics to strengthen English as a Foreign Language (EFL) vocabulary knowledge during the COVID-19 pandemic. The approach was quasi-experimental with 262 public high school students from three of the four regions of Ecuador. The students’ ages ranged from 12 to 14 years and their proficiency level was A1 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). They were divided into control and experimental groups. The participants in both groups received explicit vocabulary instruction through workshops, but the experimental group had the opportunity to practise EFL vocabulary using digital comics while the control group used supplementary resources and the textbook established by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education. The data were collected using pre-tests, post-tests, and a perception survey. Based on the statistical analysis, the results showed a significant improvement in vocabulary acquisition in the experimental group. This group also demonstrated a positive perception of the use of digital comics for enhancing EFL vocabulary knowledge because comics allowed students to create original digital stories and customise them according to their preferences. Further research might consider the use of comics for teaching specific linguistic skills in on-site learning environments.
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