Creative Teaching Strategy to Reduce Bullying in Schools


  • Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum
  • Norwaliza Abdul Wahab
  • Haryanto


bullying; creative teaching; elementary school; teaching strategies


This paper aims to identify the teacher's strategy in creating and developing creative learning to purposely reduce bullying behaviour in schools. To assess this objective, a quantitative data approach was employed to explore the data on bullying behaviour to illustrate the teacher's strategy and creativity in reducing bullying. Previous findings revealed that bullying is prevalent during school hours (69%), where the perpetrators consisted mainly of seniors (37%). This study serves as an empirical picture of the strategies employed by creative teachers to reduce bullying in schools by building synergy at the school environment, class setting and individual level. As for the school environment, it is necessary to strengthen the links between learning elements and teachers' teaching style. However, there was a need to improve the learning abilities of teachers in classroom settings. At the individual level, effective collaboration between teachers and students needs to be strengthened by improving non-cognitive knowledge to take actions against bullying in schools. Also, it is essential to recognise findings, especially at the system level, to identify interventions and policies to ensure a secure and reliable learning environment for all students. This study also recommended the implementation of a training course for teachers to enhance their creative strategies in the classroom.


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