The Place of Creativity in EFL Omani Syllabus: A Content Analysis of Grade 12 Students’ and Teachers’ Books
creativity thinking skills; teaching strategies; Torrance Incubation Model; textbook analysis; OmanAbstract
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the presence of creativity thinking skills (fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration) and creativity teaching strategies in post-basic English as a Foreign Language (EFL) textbooks in Oman. The content analysis method was used to analyze grade 12 EFL textbooks and Teachers’ books. The researchers developed two coding books. The first coding book aimed to identify the creativity thinking skills present in the textbooks, and the other book coded the creativity teaching strategies prescribed in the Teachers’ Books. The results showed that activities in post-basic EFL textbooks do not provide enough support for creativity thinking skills as only about 20% of grade 12 textbook activities included creativity thinking skills partially or fully. The findings also showed that out of the four types of creativity skills, verbal fluency was the highest. The results also indicated that the prescribed creativity teaching strategies are not very common in the EFL Teachers’ Books. The study makes some recommendations for curriculum developers.
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