How School Culture and Teacher’s Work Stress Impact on Teacher’s Job Satisfaction


  • Susan Febriantina
  • Suparno
  • Marsofiyati
  • Rusi Rusmiati Aliyyah


School culture; Teacher stress; Teacher satisfaction; Vocational teacher


This study examined the impact of school culture and teachers’ stress on satisfaction among vocational teachers. Vocational school as a school with the development of work-ready skills, combine learning dual system by learning in school and work in the industry, needs to be examined as the effectiveness of teacher abilities and overall education policy. Teacher satisfaction in this study is regarding teachers' feeling level of pleasure as an upbeat assessment of the work and its environment (school). Data were collected through a survey into 142 teachers of vocational high school in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia. Data were analysed by path analysis to determine the effects among variables and processed by SPSS 24. The results showed that school culture which now impacts teacher stress equal to 1,795%, the contribution of teacher stress which is directly teacher’s job satisfaction equal to 43,296%, the contribution of school culture to teacher’s job satisfaction skill through teacher stress is 5,198%. The findings are that teacher’s job satisfaction is directly influenced by the teacher’s pressure with a dominant influence. Physical condition is the leading indicator in developing teacher’s job satisfaction skills for school in policy-making as well as a teacher. Simultaneously school culture and teacher’s stress affect teacher’s satisfaction skills by 52.3% and 47.7% influenced by other variables. This study also recommends further research to develop variables on aspects of teacher’s competence and creativity in measuring teacher satisfaction skills, both in direct and indirect influence.


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