A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Mobile Learning Tools in Enhancing Physics Education
Academic Performance; Augmented Reality; Educational Software; Hands-On Learning Mobile Learning; Physics Education; Virtual RealityAbstract
Mobile learning tools have emerged as a promising approach to enhance physics education by providing interactive, hands-on learning experience. This systematic review examined the effectiveness of mobile learning tools in improving students' learning outcomes in physics education. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines, a comprehensive literature search was conducted, yielding 41 studies that met the inclusion criteria. The selected studies were analyzed using comparative, thematic, and content-analysis techniques. The findings revealed that mobile learning tools, including augmented reality (AR) systems, virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality systems, mobile learning and management systems, educational software and apps, and specialized tools and platforms, are commonly used to teach various physics topics. The effectiveness of mobile learning tools is evident in six key themes: enhanced conceptual understanding, increased engagement and motivation, improved academic performance, the development of higher-order thinking skills, hands-on learning and practical skills, and reduced cognitive load. However, the integration of mobile learning tools into physics instruction faces challenges, such as technical difficulties, high costs, lack of teacher and student expertise, pedagogical integration issues, distractions, and environmental limitations. This study recommends enhancing device compatibility and software stability, providing comprehensive training for teachers and students, aligning tools with existing curricula, promoting wider access to mobile technology, and designing focused learning experiences to prevent cognitive overload. Further research is encouraged to explore the long-term effects of mobile learning on physics education outcomes and to investigate strategies for adapting these tools to diverse student needs and learning environments.
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