AIEd in Elementary School Nationalism Education: A Systematic Literature Review
AIEd, nationalism; nationalism education; elementary school; systematic literature reviewAbstract
This paper presents a systematic literature review (SLR) on artificial intelligence in education (AIEd) in elementary school nationalism education based on Scopus literature 2020-2024. This research, using the SLR method and PRISMA protocol, was carried out by means of an article search process through the stages of identification, filtering, eligibility, inclusion, and presentation of analysis with the Scopus database via Publish or Perish 7, VOSviewer and ATLAS.ti. The research findings indicate AIEd integrates AI and artificial technology, Google, Facebook, smartphones, and IoT with education, curriculum, learning, student skills, and assessment for improving nationalism learning in elementary schools. AIEd features have evolved from traditional AI technologies to more advanced ones: intelligent tutors, tutees, learning tools, and policy-making advisors. The AIEd programs include chatbots, ChatGPT, ChatGPT-3, ChatGPT-4, Microsoft Copilot, AI-Writer, Bard, Bing Chat, Botsify, Chat PDF, Claude, Consensus,, Duolingo, Ebbot by Learnify, Elicit, Ernie, Essay Writer, Jasper AI, Jenni AI, Laser AI, Lateral AI, Ludwig, PaperPal, Plaito, Querium, and Quillbot. Further programs include Research Rabbit, Scholarcy, SciSpace, Wisio, Wordtune, Writely AI, ALEKS, Deakin University's Genie, Pounce Chatbot, machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL). In addition, there are also programs such as neural networks, quantum computing, Google's Teachable Machine, Machine Learning for Kids, Pop Bots, Scratch, Python, Khan Academy, Duolingo, Generative AI, and LLMs. The application of AIEd in elementary nationalism education implies the integration of technological pedagogical content knowledge TPACK, DL, predictive analysis, ML, neural networks, expert systems, and social robotics in fostering democratic and civic awareness with a combination of movies, puppets, comics, nationalism characters, integrity, and textbooks.
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