Understanding Work-Life Balance Challenges among Academic Professionals in Higher Education: A Phenomenological Study
work-life balance; academic staff; challenges; mental health; higher educationAbstract
The work-life balance of academic professionals in higher education is crucial as their performance impacts both institutional goals and individual well-being. This qualitative study examines the work-life balance challenges experienced by academicians in Malaysian higher educational institutions. Using a phenomenological approach, in-depth interviews were conducted with six academicians and data were analyzed thematically to identify the challenges. Three main themes were formulated: excessive workload, mental health issues, and time management. The findings contribute empirical insights into the lived experiences of academicians, highlighting the unique pressures within academic settings. This study also highlights the relevance of phenomenological approaches in uncovering the nuances of these challenges and emphasizes the importance of institutional policies supporting resilience and mental health and fostering a work-life balance and well-being culture. Practical recommendations include the development of support systems, workload management strategies, and proactive health initiatives to address the challenges in higher education. By providing insights into the challenges to work-life balance, this study aims to inform policymaking within higher education institutions and promote sustainable working environments that benefit academic professionals, and institutions.
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