A Quest for Experts’ Consensus on the Knowledge Domain for an ESL Global Competence Framework Using Fuzzy Delphi Method Analysis


  • Nur Syafiqah Yaccob
  • Melor Md Yunus
  • Harwati Hashim


English language teaching and learning, ESL Global Competence framework, Fuzzy Delphi, Global competence, Globally competent teaching


Global competence has a permanent place in today’s education system. Various researchers and past studies have associated global competence with three main domains of Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions. This study aims to identify the experts’ consensus regarding the indicators to represent the constructs in the Knowledge domain, necessary in the development of an ESL Global Competence Framework for English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers’ global competence development. A quantitative research design was employed using the Fuzzy Delphi Method. A questionnaire instrument was used to collect data from eleven experts who were selected through a purposive sampling method. The eleven experts in global competence, teachers’ professional development, teachers’ training, curriculum, multicultural education, and ESL teaching and learning participated in the study. There were forty-four indicators for four constructs representing the Knowledge domain being reviewed by the experts for the Fuzzy Delphi Method. Based on the data analysis, the experts accepted thirty-six indicators representing their respective constructs following the expert consensus value above 75%, the threshold value (d) ? 0.2, and the fuzzy (A) score ?-cut value of ? 0.5. However, after another evaluation conducted based on the experts’ comments and feedback, three more indicators were rejected, maintaining thirty-three items for the framework. The findings further show that the indicators are significant to be included in the ESL Global Competence Framework under the Knowledge domain. Hence, this study provides understanding of the importance elements related to Knowledge domain focusing on enhancing ESL teachers’ knowledge of global competence. Future research should focus on analyzing other domains that are necessary in assisting ESL teachers’ global competence development. 



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