Language Learning Strategies Used by Malaysian ESL Students to Improve English Communication: A Systematic Literature Review
English as a Second Language; English communication; Language Learning Strategies; Malaysian ESL Students; Methods; Systematic Literature ReviewAbstract
Communication in English has long been recognised as one of the most challenging skills for pupils learning the language. Many studies in recent years have also emphasised the relevance of English communication abilities. With the advancement of technology in our current day, kids may learn communication skills through a variety of tools. As a result, determining the learning approaches used by pupils to build their English communication talents is crucial. A systematic literature review is undertaken in this study to investigate the prevailing language learning approaches utilised by Malaysian pupils acquiring English as a Second Language (ESL). Four databases were utilised to obtain the publications that were analysed: Scopus, Science Direct, Web of Science (WoS), and Google Scholar. The articles that met the eligibility criteria were published between 2020-2023. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) is the methodology utilised in this review. Metacognitive and cognitive processes were the most frequently utilised methods for improving speaking abilities, followed by compensatory and social approaches, according to the data. Memory and emotive methods, on the other hand, were the least used by pupils. The new study might assist teachers in selecting the best teaching method for future modern classrooms. The applicability of learning strategies for different learning skills may be extensively studied in future studies.
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