Reinforcing Reflective Practice through Reflective Writing in Higher Education: A Systematic Review
Reflective practice; reflective writing; reflective writing skills; metacognitive skills; academic performanceAbstract
Reflective practice provides positive reinforcements for students in higher education to develop reflective writing skills, allowing them to enhance academic performance, self-reflection, decision-making and problem-solving strategies. This systematic review aims to describe essential aspects of reinforcing reflective practice through reflective writing and the contributions of reflective practice to the praxis of the students’ reflective writing skills in higher education. Using 20 of 745 peer-reviewed articles published from 2018 to 2024 in Scopus and Web of Science-indexed journals, this research applied the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines to underpin the data search and identification criteria, data selection and data analysis procedures. The findings show that reflective practice embedded in reflective writing can enhance students' academic performance, particularly reflective writing skills, self-reflection and appreciation of diverse cultures, shared beliefs and values and other practices across disciplines. Such vital aspects contribute to the praxis of effortful reflective writing skills developed to implement the processes of writing essays reflectively while concentrating on collaboration, critical thinking skills, deep learning and feedback. This reflective practice assists students in reinforcing their enthusiasm to keep writing reflective essays regardless of challenges and hindrances they encounter. The more time they spend on reflective writing skills, the more they will likely appreciate reflective practice that cultivates the powerful values behind writing activities.
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