Real-World Application: Six Sigma Quality Tools for Continuous Performance Improvement in Specific Educational Practices - A Systematic Review


  • Siti Hannah Sabtu
  • Mohd Effendi Ewan Mohd Matore
  • Siti Mistima Maat


Education; Six Sigma; Quality Tools; Continuous Improvement; Educational Quality


The education sector is continuously seeking new approaches to improve the existing educational process while reducing instances of failure. Recently, the use of Six Sigma quality tools as a continuous improvement tool has proven to be a promising solution. To investigate the effectiveness of this method, a systematic literature review was conducted to summarize relevant empirical data on Six Sigma quality tools in education. This systematic review follows the PRISMA criteria (preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis) and utilizes three major databases: Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, and Dimensions. Eleven articles met the given criteria, and the empirical results revealed that Six Sigma quality tools – including Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs and Customers (SIPOC), Pareto analysis, Fish Bone technique, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), and Statistical Process Control (SPC) – could be used in institutions to meet practitioners’ requirements and achieve the desired quality standards. This study will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the benefits of Six Sigma quality tools in education as well as the ways in which they can be used to improve educational quality for students. Six Sigma quality tools are an innovative and promising approach to improving education. As indicated by the findings, further research is recommended to assess the use of the Six Sigma quality tools in evaluating educational interventions in various educational settings, especially at the school level, in order to verify significant improvements in educational quality and, ultimately, better student outcomes.


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