Formative Research Developing Applications with Augmented Reality: A Case Study of Attitude Assessment in University Students
formative research, attitudes, university students, augmented realityAbstract
Student attitudes towards formative research at a university can provide valuable information for understanding and addressing the barriers and challenges students face in this field. Even more so, with the advancement of artificial intelligence it is relevant to include augmented reality applications in formative research processes. In this sense, this case study aims to identify the level of attitude towards formative research developing applications with augmented reality. The research makes use of the quantitative approach of descriptive level and non-experimental design. A questionnaire with 28 statements was used, with categories to be evaluated through the Likert scale being skills, obstacles, positive assessment and negative assessment towards the investigation. It was identified that organising, writing, making decisions and working in a team are skills that students consider relevant to conduct formative research. While the obstacles indicated as relevant are the lack of time, lack of knowledge and the economic aspect. Finally, most students present a low or regular attitude towards research. Therefore, it is concluded that there is an urgent need to implement institutional policies that lead to a greater strengthening of formative research activities, even more so when these activities are aimed at applying emerging technologies such as augmented reality. This case study makes it possible to close a gap on what type of specific support students need and on what skills should be reinforced in a particular way so that they can move towards the development and growth of scientific production in the university environment.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Guillermo Morales-Romero, Adrián Quispe-Andía, Nicéforo Trinidad-Loli, Víctor Durán-Herrera, Constantino Nieves-Barreto, Raul Suarez-Bazalar, Madison Huarcaya-Godoy, Yreneo Cruz-Telada, Juan Caller-Luna, Omar Chamorro-Atalaya

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