Teachers' Beliefs, Praxes, and Post-method Pedagogy in English Language Teaching
beliefs; language teaching; post-method pedagogy; practicesAbstract
To address the challenge of identifying an effective English language teaching pedagogy, this study explored the Grade 10 teachers (n=50) and students' (n=2,221) beliefs of effective language teaching methods and the teachers' classroom practices. It further investigated the convergence and divergence of the teachers' and students' beliefs and the teachers' practices along with the pedagogic parameters of practicality and particularity. Using the descriptive quantitative design, the findings revealed the convergence of responses between (a) teachers' and students' beliefs of effective language methods, and (b) teachers' beliefs and their practices. Analysis of responses also revealed the pedagogic parameters of practicality and particularity in the conduct of their English language classes. Teachers continually engage in the cycle of personal assessment to increase their autonomy in formulating enlightened choices responsive to the students' needs. It is imperative that English teachers be engaged in programs that support their awareness of local exigencies to strengthen their belief systems on post-method pedagogy.
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