On-the-Job Training in Vocational College: Issue and Improvement Plan
On-the-Job Training; TVET; vocational college; challenges; solutionsAbstract
This study was conducted to identify the issues and problems which arise from the perceptions of students, lecturers, supervisors and the industry towards the on-the-job training (OJT) program, which was implemented in Malaysian Vocational College (KV) for 6 months in selected industries. This study is also looking for potential suggestions for the improvement of OJT within Vocational College. This study was carried out using a qualitative research design through a multiple-embedded case study approach. The context of this study includes the challenges faced in the implementation of Vocational College OJT involving students (Case A), OJT supervisor lecturers (Case B) and organizational supervisors (Case C). The sample involved in this study was selected using the purposive sampling method. This study uses the thematic analysis method, using NVIVO12 software
as well as content analysis using the matrix method and pattern matching for the cases involved. This study has identified several challenges and issues in Vocational College OJT involving the suitability of the training ground, OJT supervision, the evaluation process and the allowance which affects the implementation of OJT. An important suggestion for future best practise, is to come up with a database of local industries that offer OJT places. This is necessary to avoid the placement of students outside the skill area.
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