Effect of the Use of WebQuest in a Chinese for Tourism Course at a Thai University: An Exploratory Study


  • Pairin Srisinthon


tourism WebQuest; Chinese majoring students; Chinese teaching; Chinese language; mixed methods


In trying to move away from teacher-centred approaches towards student-centred approaches amidst the global Covid-19 pandemic, integrating technology into foreign-language classes has been considered. Under these conditions, this study implemented WebQuest technology in a Chinese for Tourism class, followed by adopting a mixed-methods research approach to investigate the student learning. This study aimed to 1) assess the learning achievement of 63 students as part of a Chinese for Tourism course using WebQuest to provide the instructional materials alongside the face-to-face format, and 2) to collect the learners’ opinion on the WebQuest-based activities.  SPSS was used for the quantitative analysis and thematic analysis was used to analyse the interview data. The development of the WebQuest lessons began with a critical and analytical review of the existing literature related to the WebQuest course design. The WebQuest lessons were then implemented for six weeks after which the students’ learning achievements were evaluated.  The findings revealed that after using WebQuest, the learners’ Chinese language ability test scores were higher than before utilizing the instrument. The students were satisfied with the WebQuest lessons with varying satisfaction levels for the questionnaire items. The benefits of teaching and learning in connection to the WebQuest lessons got the highest score. From the 15 learners’ semi-structured interviews, it was found that the majority of the learners agreed that teaching and learning through the WebQuest lessons was a modern method offering convenient access due to the lack of time limitations.



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