Islamic Spirituality, Resilience and Achievement Motivation of Yemeni Refugee Students: A Proposed Conceptual Framework


  • Manal Ali Ahmed
  • Sahabuddin Hashim
  • Nik Rosila Nik Yaacob


achievement motivation; spirituality; resilience; Yemeni refugee students


The present study aims to improve Yemeni refugee students’ achievement motivation by introducing the construct of Islamic perspective of spirituality and resilience. The issue of achievement motivation of students has been a concern in educational psychology circles. However, it appears to be mostly not concerned on refugee students. From the previous literature review finding, the study supports the belief that Islamic spirituality effects on refugee students because it encompasses the whole aspects of the person life. It also describes the role of positive outcomes of resilience on refugee students. To achieve this, a new theoretical framework is proposed to describe how spirituality from Islamic perspective and resilience can impact on achievement motivation of Yemeni refugee students. This contribution to the body of literature research aims to support theoretical and empirical research and provide a more explanation of the correlation between these three concepts. The study has particular implication for research, to help parents and teachers to improve achievement motivation through improve Islamic spirituality and resilience of refugee students. Finally, the paper concludes by calling for future research based on the gaps identified in the current study to investigate the relationship between Islamic spirituality, resilience, and achievement motivation.


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