Experimental and Research Verification of the Methodology of Forming the High School Students' Artistic Taste for the Vocal Heritage (Late XIX-Early XX Century)


  • Yuliia V. Merezhko
  • Dmytro A. Lievit
  • Oksana P. Petrykova
  • Svitlana V. Gmyrina
  • Mariia S. Kasianchuk


artistic taste; high school students; vocal music teaching; Ukrainian composers; aesthetic education


The article highlights the results of research and experimental work on verifying the methodology of forming the artistic taste of high school students in the vocal heritage of Ukrainian composers of the late XIX – early XX centuries. The study purpose was to evaluate the elaborated methodology for the formation of the artistic taste of high school students in the process of studying the vocal heritage of Ukrainian composers. The study was accomplished using the method of paired comparisons that resulted in the scale of the comparative assessments in the control and the experimental group of high school students during the extracurricular activities in Kyiv, Zaporizhia and Dnipropetrovsk regions. The effectiveness of the proposed method was supported by the results of the statistical purposes of processing the experimental data using the χ2-criterion formula. The criteria for monitoring the formation of the high school students’ artistic taste regarding the national heritage of the late XIX-early XX centuries were outlined; the three levels (high, medium, low) of high school students’ artistic taste formation were identified. The effectiveness of the applied methodology was evaluated by the series of tests comparing the results at the ascertaining and forming stages of the study. The authors argue that the data of the forming experiment showed significant positive changes in the levels of formation of high school students’ artistic taste according to all the determined criteria, which testifies to the effectiveness of the developed facilitation methodology.



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