Correcting Misconceptions in Fractions Using Interactive Technological Learning Activities


  • Mohammad Ahmad Alkhateeb


ADDIE model; interactive technological activities; misconceptions in fractions


This study aimed to diagnose the misconceptions of the fractions subject with the fourth graders and identifying the effect of using interactive activities to correct the misconceptions that the students experience in the fractions subject. The researcher applied the quantitative method and the quasi-experimental design for the one-group pre-test/post-test design. This includes conducting a pre-test that aimed at diagnosing the misconceptions in the fractions. The possibility of correcting misconceptions was tested using interactive technological activities. The study sample consisted of 85 fourth graders in Jordan. The results revealed a pool of misconceptions in the fractions subjects. Two of the most common misconceptions comprised 88.3% and 80% of the misconceptions, respectively. The first one was subtracting non-equivalent fractions through subtracting the two numerators by considering this as the result of the final numerator and subtracting the two non-equivalent denominators taking the output as the result of the denominator. The second misconception was adding a fraction to an integer by adding the integer to the numerator of the fraction by considering it as a numerator of the result, and keeping the denominator of the fraction as it is, which represents the denominator of the final result. Furthermore, the results showed an increase in the mean from 4.15 in the pretest to 8.9 in the post-test. This is a strong indicator that the use of the interactive learning activities that were created helped to correct the misconceptions in the learning of fractions.


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