An Analysis of Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in the Learning of Economics
higher-order thinking skills; economics; learning; self-concept; family environment; high school competenciesAbstract
This study aims to understand the influence of self-concept, family environment, and learning environment on higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) of high school students in the Economics subject. The education landscape in the information age is rapidly changing, and all students are expected to develop their higher-order thinking skills to prepare themselves for the future. This study uses both a qualitative and quantitative approach. Eighty-seven students took part in this survey. The survey measured self-concept, family environment, and learning environment through multiple-choice questions to measure aspects of higher-order thinking skills. A multi-factor direct effect test model was used to determine the influence of each variable. Based on hypothesis testing, we found that self-concept, family environment, and learning environment have a positive influence on students' HOTS. Thus, in order to improve the higher-order thinking skills in students, it is imperative to improve self-concept, create a right family environment, and a pleasant school environment that is conducive for learning.
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