Cognitive Domain Performance for Non-Laboratory Embedded and Laboratory Embedded Course
assessment; cognitive domain; descriptive statistic; students' marks; students' performanceAbstract
This paper describes the students’ performance in terms of the cognitive domain for non-laboratory embedded courses and laboratory embedded courses. The study sample consisted of the students enrolled in the non-laboratory embedded courses (Hydraulics and Soil Mechanics) and laboratory embedded courses (Basic Hydraulics and Basic Soil Mechanics) for Diploma in Civil Engineering programme. The cognitive assessment based on the level of cognitive of Bloom's Taxonomy which composes of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Methods of cognitive assessment for non-laboratory embedded courses differ from laboratory embedded courses. The cognitive assessment for non-laboratory embedded courses comes from 60% of the final exam, 30% of the test, and 10% of the assignment. Meanwhile, the cognitive assessment for laboratory embedded course is only through 60% of the final exam. The other evaluations for this course are 30% of practical tests (psychomotor domain) and 10% of laboratory observation (affective domain). Since the assessment methods are different, this study was carried out to evaluate the students' performance on the cognitive domain for both courses. The percentage of students’ marks in the coursework and final exam were analysed using a descriptive statistic to measure the students’ performance. The results revealed that the students who through non-laboratory embedded-courses scored a good result in final examination compared to laboratory embedded-courses. Hence, the findings of this study might help educators identifying the reliable and effective assessment method to improve the achievement of learning outcomes.
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