Probing the Differences Caused by Cognitive Variables on LET Performance: An Embedded Mixed Method Study
entrance test scores; grade point average; Licensure Examination for Teachers; embedded mixed methodAbstract
The purpose of this study is to probe the differences caused by selected cognitive variables such as entrance test scores (ETS) and grade point average (GPA) on the performance of the graduates in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). It entailed a causal-comparative embedded mixed method research design. The study followed a cohort of 42 purposively sampled graduates of Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd), College of Education (CoEd), Mindanao State University (MSU), General Santos City (GSC). Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to determine the differences in the LET performance when grouped according to arbitrary categories of the cognitive variables. A presentation of case narratives and thematic analysis was further used to explore the significant differences. The result disclosed that the ETS of the graduates grouped as passed and conditional cause a significant difference in the LET performance. It further uncovered that the GPA of the graduates grouped as high, average, and low causes a significant difference in the LET performance. The qualitative probes revealed themes such as access to review materials, metacognitive strategies, motivational experiences, and efficacy to succeed. These themes provide explanatory context to the differences in the performance of the graduates in the LET. The implications are further discussed in the study.
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