Formation of Lifelong Learning Competences in the Process of Professional Training of Future Lawyers
competence approach; lifelong learning competences; structure of competences; competence formation model; active teaching methodsAbstract
The purpose of this study was to design and experimentally test the effectiveness of a model for the formation of lifelong learning competencies in future lawyers in higher educational institutions. The study presents the author’s vision of the structure of lifelong learning competencies for lawyers identifies pedagogical conditions for the formation of lifelong learning competencies for lawyers. It is proved that the efficiency of formation of lifelong learning competences of future lawyers is considerably increased, provided that the basic types of active teaching methods and the latest information and computer technologies are used in the process of professional training. It is established that the most important pedagogical conditions for effective formation of lifelong learning competences are pedagogically-driven motivation of future specialists in the field of the right to formation and development of lifelong learning competences; introduction of methods that promote the formation and development of lifelong learning competences into the process of professional training; formation of professional qualities in future lawyers on the basis of conscious perception of the system of universal and professional values. The authors argue that an effective link between employers and higher educational institutions is needed to collect and analyse structural and functional changes in professional activity. Establishing and maintaining such a link will enable higher educational institutions to respond more effectively to changes in the labour market requirements and to ensure a high level of training for their graduates.
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