Leadership Types and Digital Leadership in Higher Education: Behavioural Data Analysis from University of Patras in Greece


  • Hera Antonopoulou
  • Constantinos Halkiopoulos
  • Olympia Barlou
  • Grigorios N. Beligiannis


digital leadership; higher education; behavioral data analysis; transformational leadership; outcome leadership


The effective leadership of digital transformation in higher education has become an emerging issue that is needed to also integrate the board of directors in University departments. The main purpose of the study is to investigate the leading skills of heads of university departments analyzing their point of view in the digital leadership, to analyze the leadership types that they adopt and the associations with leadership outcome and also to describe profoundly the views of participants as far as the basic components of leadership types such as transformational and transactional. For the implementation of the present study, 28 heads of departments from University of Patras participated replying the Multi-factor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) and data were collected and then analyzed using SPSS statistical software. The findings of the study among others, indicate that the leadership outcome has a strong positive correlation with transformational leadership and a large negative correlation with passive - to avoid leadership, it was confirmed that the higher degree of transformational leadership implies greater efficiency and satisfaction for workers, and the high degree of transformational leadership co-exists with the great degree of implementation of digital leadership.



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