Use of Augmented Reality to Improve Specific and Transversal Competencies in Students


  • Esteban Vázquez-Cano
  • Verónica Marín-Díaz
  • Wellington Remigio Villota Oyarvide
  • Eloy López-Meneses


Augmented reality; Specific and transversal competences; University students; Digital competence; App


Work in higher educational centres implicates the use of different types of methodology. The digital society demands students with a digital competence, and it is the responsibility of the university institution to ensure they succeed in obtaining it. This article presents an innovative immersive experience developed in a seminar on emerging technologies with 231 university students, and records their perceptions of some augmented reality apps used on the Social Education degree course and the Social Work and Social Education joint degree course at Pablo de Olavide University in Seville (Spain) in the academic years 2016-2018. A qualitative exploratory descriptive study was used to analyse the experience. The study presents the most important findings of this experience with augmented reality at the university, and proposes some didactic uses for the most interesting of these apps, with attention to their usability, ease of use and capacity to help early-stage learners to acquire new knowledge. Students considered that AR apps would provide educational scenarios that were more stimulating, collaborative and interactive, and would foment a more open type of education (N= 159/68.8%). The principal conclusion is using this technology in the psychosocial treatment of problems could help social area professionals to sharpen their competences and, at the same time, reinforce support and improve the conditions and treatments of aspects identified in these at risk groups.


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