Quality Management of Educational Activities in the Training of Specialists in the Field of Health Care: the Case of Ukrainian Medical HEIs
Quality management; Quality assurance; Medical higher education institution; Total quality management; CompetenceAbstract
The paper addresses the current background, shortcomings and improvement perspectives for the quality management system in training nurses, paramedics and midwives in HEIs of Ukraine. To reach the aim of the study, the authors analysed the legal and regulatory documents, website documentation and electronic resources of 23 medical HEIs. The methods of mathematical data processing and criterion analysis were used to analyze the effectiveness of the quality management system implementation medical HEIs. The survey of the managerial and administrative staff (n=398) was conducted. The aim of the survey was to gain insight into the internal quality management principles and procedures in medical higher educational institutions of Ukraine, to identify the main tools used for internal auditing of educational quality, the measures taken to assess the education quality at the institutional level. The research findings are discussed with due regard to the surveyed managerial staff needs and quality assurance guidelines in medical education. The results of the article have a few significant implications for practice of quality management system in medical colleges and its perspectives for enhancing Ukrainian higher education system. The conclusion was made that with introducing an effective quality management system in medical HEIs, continuous monitoring of quality assurance by HEI leaders, commitment to quality as an organizing factor in education management, future medical specialists will be competitive, demonstrating a sustainable growth in academic performance, developing relevant practical skills and professional mindset.
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