High School Students' Difficulties in Making Mathematical Connections when Solving Problems


  • Jailani
  • Heri Retnawati
  • Ezi Apino
  • Agus Santoso


mathematical connections; mathematical problem-solving; students’ difficulties; mathematics learning; phenomenological study


The primary purpose of studying mathematics is that students can solve problems, both mathematical and real-life problems. In this way, mathematical connections play an essential role in enabling students to solve mathematical problems. Students’ difficulties in mathematical connections can cause difficulties in solving problems. This study aims to describe the mathematical connections difficulties experienced by students when solving mathematical problems. This study is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Data were collected by using mathematical connection tests and interviews after the test. The participants of this study were 31 high school students from five schools in Yogyakarta Special Region and Central Java Province, Indonesia. Data analysis began with analyzing all students’ answers in solving mathematical problems and categorizing the types of difficulties experienced by students. Thematic analysis of the interview data was conducted to reveal the causes of difficulties experienced by students when making mathematical connections. The findings showed that most students experienced difficulties in making mathematical connections, such as in different representations, part-whole relationships, connections between mathematical concepts, and interrelationships between mathematical procedures. Several causes of such difficulties and further actions were also discussed in this study.



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