The Effect of Classroom Climate on Academic Motivation Mediated by Academic Self-Efficacy in a Higher Education Institute in China


  • Qiumei Wang
  • Kenny Cheah Soon Lee
  • Kazi Enamul Hoque


Classroom Climate; Academic Motivation; Academic Self-Efficacy; Academic Performance


Learning theories and empirical findings have widely recognized academic motivation as the driving force behind student academic performance. However, recent findings have indicated the need to pay attention to drive academic motivation among undergraduate students in China. Therefore, this present study examines the direct and indirect effects of classroom climate on student academic motivation in higher education. A total of 119 undergraduate students from a medical college in China was approached to respond to a survey questionnaire. The data analysis result shows that classroom climate significantly and positively affects student academic motivation and that the relationship is significantly mediated by academic self-efficacy. Particularly, the relationship established in this study additionally indicates that a planned and cohesive classroom climate can effectively improve student academic motivation. Indicatively, a planned and fair classroom climate effectually builds students' self-efficacy in their learning. This study highlights the indispensable and pivotal role that a positive classroom climate plays in motivating students to be more engaged and learn effectively. Also, the findings of this study provide guidance and references for stakeholders, school administrators, and lecturers in building and sustaining a positive and healthy classroom climate for better learning.


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