Conceptual Framework of Evaluation Model on 4 C'S-Based Learning Supervision


  • Eny Winaryati
  • Mardiana
  • Muhamad Taufik Hidayat


Conceptualization framework; Evaluation model; Learning supervision; 4C’s-based


The 21st-century learning requires the implementation of 4 character skills, including (1) Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, (2) Creativity and Innovation, (3) Collaboration, and (4) Communication (4Cs) (MESp 4C's). This framework was used to evaluate the achievement of supervision on 4Cs learning by teachers. The research method used was Grounded theory, which focuses on building a conceptual framework through the inductive analysis of various data, phenomena, information, and theories, using several systematic procedures. MESp 4C's was built in 5 stages. The first is based on the relevance of the learning stages (planning, learning, and assessment processes) with the learning supervision stages (pre-observation, observation, and post-observation) and the evaluation stages of the Stake model (antecedent, transaction, outcomes). Second, it is necessary to modify the Stake evaluation model with other evaluation models through the Organizational Elements Model (OEM). The OEM is a stage for evaluators to determine the appropriate evaluation model to use. Proper modification of the evaluation model was obtained, namely The Discrepancy Evaluation Models (DEM). The Interim Product stage was more appropriate to use than the outcome so that the evaluation model stages became Antecedent, Transaction, and Interim Product (ATIp). Third, every step of the supervision implementation of 4C's will always be evaluated. Fourth, there were feedback activities (self, peer, superior) to produce continuous learning evaluation-supervision activities, based on the 360o feedback theory. Five, MESp 4C's was built as an evaluation model with a modified six-cell Stake model. MESp 4C's was equipped with the data on the suitability of descriptions between instances and observations, assessment data between observations and standards, data on contingencies and congruence, and feedback activities. This study's recommendation is the need for the design and testing of MESp 4 in several schools.


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