Influence of Demotivators on Acceptance of Technology: Challenges of Expatriate School Teachers while Imparting Online Teaching


  • Gokuladas V. K.
  • Baby Sam S. K.


Acceptance of Technology; Demotivators; E-learning; School Educators


In the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak, academicians are resorting to technology-enabled remote learning to impart education. The main objective of this study is to identify those factors that could potentially demotivate educators at primary and secondary levels of education during the remote teaching process. This study will also look at the impact of these demotivators on the perception of educators regarding the technology-acceptance of E-learning and attitude towards E-learning. Data collected from 1174 school educators with respect to various challenges in E-learning and their acceptance of technology as an alternative mode of teaching have been analyzed through correlation and regression analysis. This study identified major Extrinsic and Intrinsic Demotivators that affect the performance of school educators while imparting education through remote teaching. The results showed that Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use played a mediating role in the relationship between Extrinsic & Intrinsic Demotivators and the Attitude towards E-learning. The outcome of this study is of greater relevance to the School Management Committees and the School Administration to appropriately strategize their plans to implement E-learning as an alternative mode of education in schools.


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