What’s Holding Back? An Examination of Parental Denial in Special Education
: parental denial; phenomenological study; special education; special education systemAbstract
This qualitative transcendental phenomenological study explores the phenomenon of parental denial of special education by examining the experiences of fifteen (15) parents whose children are currently enrolled in programs for children with special needs. From the in-depth interviews, eight (8) distinct themes emerged, illustrating the factors that contribute to parental denial. Family dynamics were shaped by emotional conflicts, financial difficulties, and limited access to necessary resources. Cultural and societal beliefs, including community superstitions, misunderstandings about disabilities, and social stigmas, significantly influenced parental acceptance. Within the special education system, parental denial was further compounded by inaccessible services and communication gaps between parents and educators. This study not only adds to the limited literature on parental denial of special education but also offers practical recommendations. By gaining insight into parental perspectives, fostering better communication, and tailoring support systems, educators can more effectively assist families. Additionally, policymakers are encouraged to use these findings to inform the development of inclusive policies, ensuring that children with special needs have access to supportive educational environments. This research contributes to creating a more inclusive educational system that enhances the learning experiences of children with special needs.
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