Unveiling the Pedagogical Approaches in STEM Classroom: A Scoping Review


  • Mohammad Alamgir Hossain
  • James Deehan
  • Leanne Gibbs


STEM education; Pedagogical approach; Classroom activities; Project-based learning; Problem-based inquiry


In this scoping review, 27 empirical and peer-reviewed research articles published in the English language between 2015 and 2023 were examined to explore and categorize the pedagogical approaches used by educators to increase the effectiveness of STEM activities in classrooms. The methodology of the current study consisted of searching the ERIC database via EBSCOhost and academic search complete databases. After a two-stage filtering process (inclusion and quality criteria), suitable articles were selected for review. The articles are relevant to early childhood primary and secondary education across a variety of national contexts. The findings indicate that teachers in STEM classrooms frequently use a combination of constructivist and active learning strategies, including integrated learning, problem-based inquiry, project-based learning, real-world practices, design-based approaches, experiential, and student-centered learning. However, teachers encounter several challenges in STEM teaching, particularly a lack of resources, including limited time, insufficient funding, restricted access, inadequate training and professional development opportunities. Therefore, it can be speculated that STEM pedagogies require teaching staff to be supported in the professional sphere, provided with the required resources at schools, and given the training they need in order to overcome the barriers that can act as inhibitors of change.



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