Factors Influencing EFL/ESL Students’ Use of Reading Strategies: A Systematic Review
English reading strategy; systematic review; influencing factors; reading proficiency; metacognitive awarenessAbstract
Reading strategies are deliberate actions taken by readers to enhance comprehension or tackle challenges. Despite numerous studies exploring factors influencing reading strategies among EFL/ESL readers, a gap remains in synthesizing findings specific to college-level students and the nature of these influences. This systematic review aims to fill this void by examining the factors affecting EFL/ESL college students' reading strategies, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The review consolidates results from 41 studies conducted between 2014 and 2023, pinpointing sixteen factors influencing reading strategy use. To evaluate the consensus and divergence among study conclusions, eight factors examined in multiple studies were analysed in detail: English reading proficiency, gender, field of study, academic year, text type, reading anxiety, academic level, and nationality. Evidence suggests that proficient readers typically employ a wider array of effective strategies and demonstrate superior metacognitive awareness in strategy use. Female students tend to use diverse strategies compared to their male counterparts. Additionally, students in higher academic years use reading strategies more frequently than those in lower grades. It was also noted that strategy use varies depending on text type, and there is an inverse relationship between reading anxiety and strategy use. Nationality alone has no significant impact, but its interplay with other factors reveals different insights. Based on these findings, the study recommends that EFL/ESL teachers tailor reading instruction to students’ reading proficiency, academic level, gender, and text type, while addressing reading anxiety and considering cultural interactions to enhance strategy use.
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