Comics as Engaging Tools for Teaching Geography
educational comic; geography; learning module; teaching aidsAbstract
An educational comic is a graphic work that creates various characters focused on scientific elements as an approach to classroom learning. This study aimed to develop comics as a geography learning module for form four students on river formation and sustainability. This study employs two approaches: questionnaires for the quantitative method and document analysis for the qualitative method. The study analyzed two key documents: geography textbooks and the Curriculum Standard Documents and Assessment (DSKP). Distributing the questionnaire allowed the expert to validate and provide feedback on the applicability of comics. The analysis uses the content validity index (CVI) to evaluate content validity, while descriptive analysis (mean, standard deviation) was used to test the applicability of comics. The study showed that the five experts’ CVI analysis of module content, teaching design, and technical requirements is high. Findings showed that the comics’ level of applicability is high and can be used as teaching aids during the teaching and learning process in geography lessons. The implications of the study of comics produced enable geography teachers to diversify the construction of comics in other topics, according to DSKP Geography.
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