Digital Leadership and Professional Commitment to Enhance Teacher Innovativeness as a Priority Strategy


  • Rais Hidayat
  • Yuyun Elizabeth Patras
  • Yuli Muliyawati


digital leadership; Rasch model; SmartPLS; teacher innovativeness; teacher profession


This research aimed to determine priority strategies for increasing teacher innovativeness in the digital era from digital leadership and professional commitment perspectives. The research employed a mixed methods research approach with four stages: theme exploration, model design, data collection, and analysis/product creation. The study population was teachers in Indonesia, and the sample comprised 623 teachers. The study results show that the priority strategy to increase the innovativeness of teachers is divided into two perspectives: digital leadership and professional commitment. Priority strategies from a digital leadership perspective are as follows: digital competitive and intelligent capabilities, digital communication skills, strengthening digital resilience, the ability of educational innovativeness, and monitoring school performance digitally. Priority strategies from a professional commitment perspective are as follows: involvement in the decision-making process, abilities in evaluation and reflection, improving self-competence, ability to prepare to overcome educational challenges, and teacher discipline in their duties. The results imply that academic institutions need to strengthen digital leadership and professional commitment to promote the innovativeness of teachers in the digital era.


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