The Impact of Flipped Learning on Students` Critical Thinking; A Systematic Literature Review
Flipped Learning; Critical Thinking Skill; Systematic Literature Review; Pedagogical Strategy; Teaching MethodAbstract
Flipped learning is a revolutionary teaching method that disrupts traditional learning environments by providing instruction outside of the classroom. This strategy enables students to engage with the subject at their convenience and encourages active learning in the classroom. The current study is a comprehensive literature analysis that looks into the impact of flipped learning on student critical thinking skills. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) criteria were utilized to ensure that the article selection was valid and reliable. The articles were selected from some credible databases, such as Eric, Scopus, and ProQuest. After the selection procedure, the systematic review yielded 23 relevant articles to be further reported. Our analysis highlights that flipped learning practices are most commonly observed in natural science disciplines, including physics, mathematics, and chemistry. The majority of the studies employed quantitative methodologies, primarily utilizing quasi-experimental designs, and predominantly focused on university-level students in Asian countries. Notably, the findings indicate a substantial positive effect of online-based flipped learning on the enhancement of students' critical thinking skills, suggesting that this pedagogical approach can significantly benefit student learning outcomes.
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