Pre-Service Teachers' Writing Accuracy and Fluency: The Role of Weekly Reading


  • Gabriela Galeas
  • David Montenegro-Montenegro
  • Jardel Santos
  • Jordy Suarez


Extensive Reading; Writing; Accuracy; fluency; Pre-service teachers


The benefits of Extensive Reading (ER) have been extensively explored in the field of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), particularly in how this approach enhances writing skills. In Ecuador, writing represents one of the biggest challenges students face when acquiring language proficiency. Therefore, this study investigates the effects of weekly story reading (WSR) over an eight-week period on improving written accuracy and fluency among twenty-two EFL pre-service teachers at the Faculty of Education, Quevedo State Technical University, Ecuador. This action research employed a pre/post-test design to collect data before and after the pedagogical intervention. Written book reports were used as the pre- and post-test instruments to identify accuracy issues and measure words-per-minute (WPM) rates. The participants´ tokens of accuracy problems and WPM were quantitatively analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed, among the eight types of writing accuracy analyzed, the three most common errors made by students were punctuation, spelling, and syntax. Notably, they increased as more words were produced in writing. The findings indicate that weekly story reading assignments significantly improved writing fluency, with a mean difference of (M=5.24), and moderately reduced written accuracy problems. Extensive reading might magnify writing skills development among pre-service teachers in Ecuador or other contexts.


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