Transforming High School Education with Digital Tools: A Systematic Review
Educational Technology; Technology Integration; Systematic Review; Secondary Education; Pedagogical PracticesAbstract
This systematic review comprehensively examines the impact of digital tools on high school education, drawing from 23 peer-reviewed studies published between 2018 and 2023. The study explores a wide range of research methodologies, including randomized controlled trials, quasi-experimental designs, and experimental studies, to assess the effectiveness of digital technologies in enhancing education outcomes. The findings indicate that digital tools, particularly those integrated using the substitution augmentation modification and redefinition model, significantly improve student autonomy, engagement, and academic performance across diverse geographic and demographic contexts. However, the review also identifies challenges, such as the complexity of content, technological disparities, and the necessity for well-planned and context-sensitive implementation strategies. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of professional development for educators and the need for infrastructural support to ensure equitable access to technology. The study underscores the critical role of collaboration among educators, policymakers, and stakeholders to maximize the benefits of digital education. The review calls for ongoing research into innovative educational technologies and their long-term effects, and advocates for a strategic and well-supported approach to integrating these tools into high school settings.
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