On-the-Go Android-Based Learning Tool for Mathematics in Geographically Challenged Areas


  • Jahfet N. Nabayra


Android-based learning; geographically challenged areas; learning experiences; mathematics learning; on-the-go learning


One of the important challenges for mathematics educators during the Covid-19 pandemic was ensuring productive mathematics learning despite hindrances. This study explored the mathematics learning experiences of geographically challenged students during the pandemic and developed an on-the-go Android-based learning tool (OTG ALT) for mathematics learning in the challenged areas. The study employed educational design research (EDR) with three phases. A semi-structured in-depth interview guide and student satisfaction survey instrument were utilized. Six geographically challenged university students for interviews and forty students for the tryout of the OTG ALT were purposively selected as participants. Mean and standard deviation scores were used to analyze and interpret the quantitative data. The phenomenographic method was used to analyze the qualitative data. Results show that the experiences of the geographically challenged students in pandemic mathematics education were encapsulated in four different categories: 1) pandemic mathematics learning, a new experience, 2) teachers’ agency in mathematics, 3) tribulations and triumphs, and 4) mathematics that works. The developed learning tool for the course Mathematics in the Modern World (MMW) follows the i?SPARK model (introduce, study, practice, assess, reflect, and key to correction), with a video explainer per topic. Students were highly satisfied with the developed learning tool, in general and in terms of all indicators. Hence, the developed OTG ALT met the instructional standards for mathematics learning in the challenged areas. School administrators may improve the quality and effectivity of mathematics education in universities by considering minority perspectives. To make mathematics education inclusive and equitable, policymakers and curriculum designers can review the suitability of teaching materials and adapt them to the level and needs of the students.




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